Ops Messaging Update – 6/17/2020

I do not have any lead time updates to share today. However, I hope you’ll agree that all the positive developments last week have created a feeling of momentum; that a return to “normal” operations is inevitable, and right around the corner.
With this sense of optimism, we are changing how we keep you informed of lead time and operations updates, with regard to COVID-19 impact. We started with daily updates, then moved to weekly. As of today, we will only be sending these messages when we need to immediately inform you of an important update in operations, resulting in lead time changes.
The Current Operations Status page on our website will continue to be updated on a daily basis. If you have not already done so, please bookmark this page in your web browser for future reference.
As always, we are in this together. Please reach out with any questions or concerns to our Account Management, Care, and Logistics teams.
Your business is greatly valued. Thank you for your continued partnership.
Larry Denbrock
President & Chief Revenue Officer